
The Great Step Towards China

...览会). It has been successfully held for 19 times so far becoming one of the international financial events that has the longest history, largest scale and strongest influence playing a positive role in promoting communications, development of the financial industry wh ere Offshorelicense Ltd was asked to present the process of **offshore company formation and expand more upon assistance with bu...

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Coinbase was approved by SEC to list security tokens

...e settlement, and chain-of-title.”* According to [Bloomberg]({._blank}, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the financial industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) have officially authorized Coinbase to move forward with the purchase of Keystone Capital after over a...

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Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission is planning to establish an Innovative Hub

... we aim to best protect investors by fully understanding the risks and benefits these new products bring.”* CySEC seems to be particularly interested in distributed ledger (blockchain) technology. Since this type of innovative technology of the financial industry not only has a lot of benefits, but also brings forth a great number of risks and one of those being the money laundering risk, it ...

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